Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
September 2011 - Volume 10, Issue 3
Table of Contents
Research article
Attitudes of Medical Students, Clinicians and Sports Scientists Towards Exercise Counselling
Abbyrhamy Gnanendran, David B. Pyne, Kieran E. Fallon, Peter A. Fricker
2011, 10(3), 426-431

Research article
The Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on the Inflammatory Response to eccentric strength exercise
Kelly B. Jouris, Jennifer L. McDaniel, Edward P. Weiss
2011, 10(3), 432-438

Research article
Influence of Intramuscular Application of Autologous Conditioned Plasma on Systemic Circulating IGF-1
Gert Schippinger, Karl Oettl, Florian Fankhauser, Stefan Spirk, Wolfgang Domej, Peter Hofmann
2011, 10(3), 439-444

Research article
Exploring the Organizational Effect of Prenatal Testosterone Upon the Sporting Brain
Jim Golby, Jennifer Meggs
2011, 10(3), 445-451

Research article
Comparison of the Traditional, Swing, and Chicken Wing Volleyball Blocking Techniques in NCAA Division I Female Athletes
Taubi J. Neves, Wayne A. Johnson, J. William Myrer, Matthew K. Seeley
2011, 10(3), 452-457

Research article
Why do They Engage in Such Hard Programs? The Search for Excellence in Youth Basketball
Carlos E. Gonçalves, Manuel J. Coelho e Silva, Humberto M. Carvalho, Ângela Gonçalves
2011, 10(3), 458-464

Research article
Game Location and Team Quality Effects on Performance Profiles in Professional Soccer
Carlos Lago-Peñas, Joaquin Lago-Ballesteros
2011, 10(3), 465-471

Research article
A Low-Cost Contact System to Assess Load Displacement Velocity in a Resistance Training Machine
Bernat Buscá, Anna Font
2011, 10(3), 472-477

Research article
Pre-Workout Carbohydrate Supplementation does not Affect Measures of Selfassessed Vitality and Affect in College Swimmers
Kathleen M. Hill, James R. Whitehead, Janice K. Goodwin
2011, 10(3), 478-482

Research article
Exercise x BCAA Supplementation in Young Trained Rats: What are their Effects on Body Growth?
Patricia Lopes de Campos-Ferraz, Sandra Maria Lima Ribeiro, Silmara dos Santos Luz, Antonio Herbert Lancha Jr., Julio Tirapegui
2011, 10(3), 483-490

Research article
Characteristics of Maximum Performance of Pedaling Exercise in Recumbent and Supine Positions
Morimasa Kato, Toshihiko Tsutsumi, Takashi Yamaguchi, Shizue Kurakane, Hyukki Chang
2011, 10(3), 491-497

Research article
Effects of High Intensity Training by Heart Rate or Power in Recreational Cyclists
Michael E. Robinson, Jeff Plasschaert, Nkaku R. Kisaalita
2011, 10(3), 498-501

Research article
Daily Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in 11-to 15-year-old Trained and Untrained Turkish Boys
Alpay Güvenç, Caner Açikada, Alper Aslan, Kamil Özer
2011, 10(3), 502-514

Research article
Postural Control After A Prolonged Treadmill Run At Individual Ventilatory And Anaerobic Threshold
Laura Guidetti, Emanuele Franciosi, Maria Chiara Gallotta, Gian Pietro Emerenziani, Carlo Baldari
2011, 10(3), 515-519

Research article
Monocular And Binocular Vision In The Performance Of A Complex Skill
Thomas Heinen, Pia M. Vinken
2011, 10(3), 520-527

Research article
Evaluating A Computer Based Skills Acquisition Trainer To Classify Badminton Players
Minh Vu Huynh, Anthony Bedford
2011, 10(3), 528-533

Research article
Influence Of Opposition On Ball Velocity In The Handball Jump Throw
Jesús Rivilla-Garcia, Ignacio Grande, Javier Sampedro, Roland Van Den Tillaar
2011, 10(3), 534-539

Research article
Physiological Responses to On-Court vs Running Interval Training in Competitive Tennis Players
Jaime Fernandez-Fernandez, David Sanz-Rivas, Cristobal Sanchez-Muñoz, Jose Gonzalez de la Aleja Tellez, Martin Buchheit, Alberto Mendez-Villanueva
2011, 10(3), 540-545

Research article
VO2 Off Transient Kinetics in Extreme Intensity Swimming
Ana Sousa, Pedro Figueiredo, Kari L. Keskinen, Ferran A. Rodríguez, Leandro Machado, João P. Vilas-Boas, Ricardo J. Fernandes
2011, 10(3), 546-552

Research article
Kinematic Analysis of Line-Out Throwing in Elite International Rugby Union
Mark G.L. Sayers
2011, 10(3), 553-558

Research article
Effects of Vibration Training and Detraining on Balance and Muscle Strength in Older Adults
Pedro J. Marín, Aurora Martín-López, Davinia Vicente-Campos, MT Angulo-Carrere, Teresa García-Pastor, Nuria Garatachea, José L. Chicharro
2011, 10(3), 559-564

Research article
The Acute Effects of Varying Strength Exercises Bouts on 5Km Running
Eduardo Oliveira de Souza, Luis Fernando Caineli Rosa, Flávio de Oliveira Pires, Jacob Wilson, Emerson Franchini, Valmor Tricoli, Carlos Ugrinowitsch
2011, 10(3), 565-570

Research article
A Practical Model of Low-Volume High-Intensity Interval Training Induces Performance and Metabolic Adaptations That Resemble ‘All-Out’ Sprint Interval Training
Mahdi Bayati, Babak Farzad, Reza Gharakhanlou, Hamid Agha-Alinejad
2011, 10(3), 571-576

Research article
Influence of Type of Muscle Contraction and Gender on Postactivation Potentiation of Upper and Lower Limb Explosive Performance in Elite Fencers
Charilaos Tsolakis, Gregory C. Bogdanis, Anni Nikolaou, Elias Zacharogiannis
2011, 10(3), 577-583

Research article
Oxygen Uptake Kinetics During Incremental- and Decremental-Ramp Cycle Ergometry
Fadil Özyener, Harry B. Rossiter, Susan A. Ward, Brian J. Whipp
2011, 10(3), 584-589

Case report
The Application of Biomechanics to Penalty Corner Drag-Flick Training: a Case Study
Cristina López de Subijana, Daniel Juárez, Javier Mallo, Enrique Navarro
2011, 10(3), 590-595

Letter to editor
Treadmill Exercise Improves Impaired Spatial Memory Function in Partial androgen Deficiency Rat Model
Noboru Hasegawa, Miyako Mochizuki, Lin Mei
2011, 10(3), 596-597

Letter to editor
Does the Shake Weight live up to its hype?
John Porcari, Jennah Hackbarth, Thomas Kernozek, Scott Doberstein, Carl Foster
2011, 10(3), 598-599

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